Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Book him today for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, with over 100 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs under his belt and rave revues, Trevor is your best choice for your event.

March 29th (Bar Mitzvah)

Thank you so much Trevor you and your team were fantastic!



March 10th (Bar Mitzvah)

It was the party of all parties! lasers, dancers, amazing lights, MC and DJ.

You guys had the party going all night long!

I dont know how you get the energy Trevor!

Sam’s Bat Mizvah


Feb 11th  (Bar Mitzvah)

Thank you for being a part of it.  You were wonderful.  I received some emails post party and I wanted to send an excerpt from one to you:the evening party was unique, it was the first bar mitzvah that we attended where the adults were not forgotten and the games were made in such a way that everyone was included.  Also, the music was at a reasonable level and I don’t know how you managed to do that.

You did a great balancing act – and it was much appreciated!  Thanks for everything. If anyone ever is looking for a reference  – please feel free to pass them along.  I would be happy to to that.   If you get a chance could you forward to me the email of Lisa – the Markham teacher who recommended you to me – I would love to send her a note.

Thanks again Trevor!

Laura (Mom)


Jan 14th  (Bar mitzvah)

Thanks so much for doing such a great job at Josh’s bar mitzvah!  Now that we have one bar mitzvah out of the way… Our son Sam is very anxious to get his going and wants to ensure we book the DJ!

Alan Morris (Dad)


Nov 12  (Bar Mitzvah)I noticed, and had incredible feedback from the crowd that our DJ was always smiling, happy and in sync with Trevor, Paige and our personal requests as well. Nothing was EVER off timing as a result of this team being in tune with the Itinerary we presented, and in tune with the guests and the energy in the room. I was not ONLY impressed with the work and energy they brought to our evening, but I was overwhelmed and my expectations were exceeded, I was blown away. My guests were as well. The comment I keep hearing about other companies is they grow and create a name for themselves and then lose site of the guests and why they are there. I share this sentiment as well. It is my hope that you realize how special your team is, and that you are always mindful to never venture into that mindset and just continue the incredible path you are on right now! I have spoken about your DJ, now…Trevor. He is the complete package, a team player with your team and the room, he appealed to the guests at any age whether it was the kids or the adult guests. He seamlessly kept the room busy with a “game show” while tables approached the buffet…the room loved this! He was consistent in caring for the energy in the room and often in communication with me checking if there was anything else I may have requested. He kept on perfect track of the itinerary set forth and the songs I requested for the candle lighting and really worked the crowd. During the candle lighting I was impressed that when a friend was taking a picture of a large group of school kids lighting one of the candles for Joshua, within seconds Trevor had control of the VERY large group posing them perfectly and with energy for the picture! He has enormous energy and a warm and fun personality! An incredible showman!

Jennifer Wawryk MOM

—————————-You were so full of energy and very enthusiastic. Your selection of music showed that you were very in tuned with the crowd, and we received nothing but positive feedback.Jacqui Goldberg Beth Torah Congregation————————————- For over six hours he acted an emcee and DJ he danced, sang and engaged guests in interactive and fun(song and dance) games. Our guests who ranged from 5-75 years of age were thrilled with Trevor, his energy, charisma and talent seemed endless. He has an uncanny ability to get guest to participate and to have fun.Joel Gorenkoff

Contact The Trevor Show for Bookings

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